Known for dishing out tearjerkers, Karan Johar says there is one love story he has hidden up his sleeve. And before you ask - of course, it involves Shah Rukh Khan, not just in reel life, but also in real life!
"Shah Rukh and Gauri’s love story is really a Hindi picture love story. Truly, it is a film that I will make, and I will call it Shah Rukh – Gauri, and it will be a huge hit because it has everything! It has love, it has passion, it has parental rejection…it has triumph eventually and it has drama and humour!,” exclaims Karan.
“It really is a fantastic love story, and I know Shah Rukh has spoken about it many times. But I truly hope that when the book he has been working on comes out, you read it. And I have to tell you it is one of the most brilliant love stories you can ever know about,” he says with a smile, “But I think the best part is that that love story still continues!”
Now if KJo has such plans, we can’t help but ask him who will act in it. Will Kajol play Gauri?
“We’ll just love Aryan and Nysa to do it… two decades down the line!” he laughs.
Karan’s closeness to Shah Rukh and his missus Gauri is nothing new. On numerous occasions, Karan has said that he is family to them and vice versa. And, therefore, it comes as no surprise to us when we hear of his plans to make a film on the famous love story of the first family of Bollywood.