Sanjay Gadhvi seems to be planning for the third sequel for the movie ‘Dhoom 3.’ He has already spoken to the blue-eyed boy of Yash Raj, Neil Nitin Mukesh, and is waiting for a green signal from Aditya Chopra.
“Neil who’s very close to Yash Raj Films has convinced Aditya Chopra to let Gadhvi do the third Dhoom movie. Neil himself is very keen on being part of the third installment. Adi assured him there would be room for the young actor who’s currently shooting for Yash Raj’s ‘Lafange Parinde,’” said a source.
“Who doesn’t want to be part of the ‘Dhoom’ franchise? I’d love to be in ‘Dhoom 3.’ If Adi directs it, nothing likes it. I’ve met Sanjay Gadhvi for a movie over a meal, and that’s all I can tell you right now. Gadhvi and I are on. Whether it is for ‘Dhoom 3’ or something else I cannot say right now,” said Neil Nitin Mukesh.
The movie is said to go on floors by the year end or by early 2011.
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