Bollywood hunk Salman Khan is sweating heavily to promote his 17-year-old sister-in-law, Isabel. Reportedly, Isabel will play Salman’s leading lady in Veer. Salman is knocking every director’s door to cast Isabel in their film as she is very much interested to act in films. Looking at her sister Katrina’s glory, Isabel too wanted to try her hands in Bollywood and become famous like Kat. Sallu at last succeeded to convince Gadar director Anil Sharma and he agreed to cast Isabel in Veer opposite him.
Veer is Salman’s first costliest film and budget is estimated to be over Rs. 75 crore. It is going to be an action movie and Salman has been working on the script for a year. Apparently, Anil is sensing some risk factor in casting a newcomer in his big budget project and has eye on Priyanka Chopra who is a family friend. The shooting of the film will commence in August and is expected to hit the silver screen by 2009.