The friend says that Anurag has made himself completely unavailable to the media. "He doesn't want to offer any clarification or speak about the topic. He says that his statements were distorted and he didn't say things the way they were reported. And it has him very upset."
But it's not just Anurag who is upset. Amitabh not only spoke openly about the issue to media but also wrote about it in his blog.
The Big B writes, "Anurag Basu smsed me and explains his stand that of the media distorting it or cooking it up entirely. I feel he should seek clarification from the magazine that printed his statement. I do not need any proof. Media asked me a question, I answered. The rest is really up to him to justify or not," he writes.
The friend says that Anurag has been intentionally maintaining a low profile as he hopes the issue will die down. However, with the Big B making sure that he goes into great detail about it in his blog we suggest Anurag don't hold your breath!