Just a day before his 67th birthday, Amitabh Bachchan will make an appearance before the media donning the look from his forthcoming film ‘Rann’. The trailer of the movie, directed by Ram Gopal Varma, will also be unveiled at the press conference. Now what’s the big deal about this you ask? Well, the event isn’t just another Bollywood-media meet.
Interestingly, Amitabh Bachchan who forayed in films in 1969 with ‘Saat Hindustani’, has completed 40 years in filmdom. The ‘Rann’ curtain raiser event will celebrate Amitabh’s great contribution to the Indian cinema.
As a tribute to Amitabh’s 40 years, 39 people and Amitabh Bachchan will get on the stage with Big B donning the look from his film ‘Rann’, where he plays a media baron, while the others will dress up like his most popular characters from films like ‘Shehensha’, ‘Coolie’, ‘Cheeni Kum’, ‘Ajooba’ and others.
This seems like a perfect ode to Bachchan who truly is still the reigning superstar of Bollywood.
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