Akshay Kumar was part of ‘Bigg Boss’ last year when he shared the stage with ex-flame Shilpa Shetty to announce the winner. This time, he is taking a step further and will be entering the ‘Bigg Boss’ house.
The actor will enter the locked house on Friday and will apparently spend half a day with the inmates. The Khiladi Kumar will mark his entry with ishtyle. According to sources, on Friday, “the actor will arrive on a chopper, provided by the Blue producers, Shree Ashtavinayak, and will drop into the house from the sky.”
Akshay also has a friend on the show, Vindoo Dara Singh who played his sidekick in the film Kambakkht Ishq. He will interact with the housemates and will talk about the deadly stunts he has done in ‘Blue’, because that’s the purpose of Akshay’s visit to the show - to promote the movie.
After coming out he will talk to the host and will reveal how he felt about being locked up and being under camera scrutiny. The episode will air this Saturday.
A Diwali special episode?
If You Liked The Posts Say It In comments !!!Akshay also has a friend on the show, Vindoo Dara Singh who played his sidekick in the film Kambakkht Ishq. He will interact with the housemates and will talk about the deadly stunts he has done in ‘Blue’, because that’s the purpose of Akshay’s visit to the show - to promote the movie.
After coming out he will talk to the host and will reveal how he felt about being locked up and being under camera scrutiny. The episode will air this Saturday.
A Diwali special episode?