Ajay Devgan’s comic timing in the recently released All The Best was outstanding. His next film Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge finds him playing a married couple with the hugely talented Konkona Sen Sharma and how an uninvited guest in Paresh Rawal exasperates them with his relentless over-stay in their house. Produced by Kumar Mangat and Amita Pathak, Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge has been written-directed by Ashwani Dhir who has a flair for devising fine comic moments. People are always waiting for a good clean comedy flick. It seems the audience may just over stay in this funny family drama.
Ashwani Dhir last outing was “One Two Three” Starring Sunil Shetty And Paresh Rawal which was average runner at boxoffice. Ashwani Dhir has also directed popular TV serial Office office.
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