Bollywood's currently most powerful woman has recently been talking about its most powerful man – Shah Rukh Khan: "I have been a huge fan of Shah Rukh Khan since I was six," she says, (ouch!) "During Miss India 2000, he was one of the judges who asked me a question. I got a chance to meet him backstage and managed to say, `Hello`. When he heard that I sing, he asked me to do so. I still don`t remember what I sang. I will always admire Shah Rukh."
Priyanka has also become hooked recently on the power of Twitter, the social messaging site. "It started as a lark, a quest of discovery, and now I find my fingers twitching for my Nokia or my laptop wherever something interesting happens," she explains, "I have great fun interacting with my tweeps. At least they believe it's the real me, unlike some of you guys, who still aren't sure that it's me reading your mails."
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