For the first time in his political career, Telugu megastar and Praja Rajyam president Chiranjeevi was arrested by the Secunderabad Police on Thursday and taken to Gandhi Nagar police station after he staged a dharna protesting against the rising prices of essential commodities and obstructed traffic for over an hour on the busy Sardar Patel road. This is also the first time that Chiranjeevi led a public agitation after turning to politics 11 months ago.
PRP workers and leaders, including T. Devender Goud and K. Venkat Rao, began the protest outside the office of the Chief Rationing Officer at 10.30 a.m. by staging a sit-in and wearing garlands of different vegetables to register their protest against rising prices. Around 11.30 a.m., Chiranjeevi joined them.
PRP Greater Hyderabad convenor Kattela Srinivasa Yadav was among the many party workers who sustained injuries when police lathi-charged them. They were admitted to a nearby private hospital for treatment.