Bollywood actress Vidya Balan rejected to take on Hema Malini’s position in the remake of Satte Pe Satta. Vidya will not really be the one to yet repeatedly change the 7 untamed bros living on a ranch.“Vidya didn’t desire to perform this flick mainly because she thinks that Satte Pe Satta should not be interfered with.That movie is simply too famous to be duplicated or modified,” describes a source about the actress’s cause for turning down Sanjay Dutt’s proposal.While Sanjay Dutt will essay the character that Big B took part in the first flick, he is having challenges casting the woman lead.Actress has point-blank rejected to battle this particular demanding task, which will likely be directed by Soham Shah.When the filmmakers talked to actress’s coordinator, she failed to make them hang on very long for a respond.
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