Slumdog Millionaire actress Freida Pinto reveals that she and Dev Patel should never share the screen yet again. Slumdog Millionaire actress declared that they will not be in a position to repeat the “wonder” of the Mumbai based potboiler, described a daily.”I wouldn`t desire to perform with him, but I do not indicate that in a negative approach. He explained something very similar in an interview that’s misunderstood.What he was wanting to express is that a lot of occured on Slumdog Millionaire, in regards to it becoming so massive, that if the 2 of us were combined in a movie as a pair yet again it wouldn`t live up to that. Nothing ever could. It`s very much wonder to live up to on screen” mentioned the actress.”My mother and father have met his dads and moms. It`s an Indian element. I am hoping they prefer him and are not faking.
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