Bollywood Actor Imran Khan and Ranbir Kapoor were supposed to be enemies according to the media. But they put an end to this rumor by pretending to lip lock on TV Show Koffee with karan.
It is heard that during the TV show, Ranbir Kapoor and Imran Khan just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They jumped on the couch, and cheated a kiss, hinting Karan to cast them in his Dostana sequel
In fact, the scene was so funny that Karan Johar insisted them to repeat the gay kiss after a commercial break. And Without hesitation, they embraced each other and broke into another kiss.
Well, the duo’s Koffee with karan stint with Karan Johar rocked.
It is heard that during the TV show, Ranbir Kapoor and Imran Khan just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They jumped on the couch, and cheated a kiss, hinting Karan to cast them in his Dostana sequel
In fact, the scene was so funny that Karan Johar insisted them to repeat the gay kiss after a commercial break. And Without hesitation, they embraced each other and broke into another kiss.
Well, the duo’s Koffee with karan stint with Karan Johar rocked.
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