Deepika Padukone, in a recent interview with Mumbai Mirror revealed the reason why she broke up with Ranbir Kapoor in a recent. The super hot beauty said that she was not very happy with Ranbir Kapoor’s conduct with other women. This left her feeling insecure.
Here is what Deepika Padukone, who is rumored to have broken up with Ranbir because of his closeness to Katrina Kaif during the filming of Rajneeti, had to say:
“If my man gives me my security, why would I be possessive? Then I wouldn’t ask him where he is, what he is doing or even who he is with. If my partner is doing things, which betray my trust, then I will become possessive. You become possessive only when you know there’s something going wrong, not just for the heck of it. It’s not about the kind of person I am, it’s about the person I am with.”
Here is what Deepika Padukone, who is rumored to have broken up with Ranbir because of his closeness to Katrina Kaif during the filming of Rajneeti, had to say:
“If my man gives me my security, why would I be possessive? Then I wouldn’t ask him where he is, what he is doing or even who he is with. If my partner is doing things, which betray my trust, then I will become possessive. You become possessive only when you know there’s something going wrong, not just for the heck of it. It’s not about the kind of person I am, it’s about the person I am with.”
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