The official synopsis of the new Akshay Kumar film 'Patiala House' has arrived. The film is directed by Nikhil Advani (Chandni Chowk to China) and stars Anushka Sharma, Dimple Kapadia, Rishi Kapoor and Hard Kaur and cricket players like Andrew Symonds, Keiron Pollard, Durk Nanis, Simon Katich, Graham Gooch, Shaun Tait and Sanjay Manjrekar.
The protagonist of the film (Akshay Kumar) runs a corner shop in Southall but his desire is to break into sports/cricket. His father is a strict traditionalist and his mission is to ensure his family do not lose their Indian culture and identity. Akshay, however wants to play cricket – not for India but for England – and he gets the chance to do this. Also, according to the makers of the film, cricket is just the catalyst, the real deal is father-son drama.
The film is also about British Asian identity and the cross-generational conflict between a father and son. The primary message of the film is about family ties and duty, a yearning to follow one’s dreams, and trying to make sense of the dichotomies that life presents when one’s family has migrated to another land. Other strong subject matters in the film include:
· The experiences of British Asians in the UK across all generations
· Life for Asians when they migrated to the UK back in the 50s and 60s
· Conflicting identities for 3rd and 4th generations Asians/Ethic minorities in the UK
· Following your dreams vs parental obligation
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