Bollywood Hunk Salman Khan has joined the likes of Aamir Khan and Amitabh Bachchan in starting his blog. Just that, it's an exclusive blog for his film Veer, produced by Eros Entertainment and Vijay Galani. Titled My Dream Project ….VEER, Salman calls the film his most awaited till date. In fact, he had written it long back and wanted to direct it! Excerpts:
Everyone wants to know what is Salman’s dream project? And I am very excited about the release of Veer on 22nd Jan 2010. I have lived with Veer for 20 years and want you guys to live the movie with me through this blog.
Everyone wants to know what is Salman’s dream project? And I am very excited about the release of Veer on 22nd Jan 2010. I have lived with Veer for 20 years and want you guys to live the movie with me through this blog.
Veer can be called my most awaited film till date. I had written the story of my dream project when I was shooting for the film Baaghi in 1990.
As a child, I saw the film Taras Bulba that beautifully showed a father-son sharing an extraordinary relationship. Being inspired from this, I always wanted to write a script revolving around this bond. I had the whole thing 20 years back and wanted to direct a film on this subject… Had dreamt of becoming a director but as fate would have it, ended up becoming an actor....
Veer is the biggest Bollywood film ever to be made and a movie like this is going to be written, directed and produced once in a lifetime…
Salman had earlier blogged for his hit TV show 10 Ka Dum.
If You Liked The Posts Say It In comments !!!As a child, I saw the film Taras Bulba that beautifully showed a father-son sharing an extraordinary relationship. Being inspired from this, I always wanted to write a script revolving around this bond. I had the whole thing 20 years back and wanted to direct a film on this subject… Had dreamt of becoming a director but as fate would have it, ended up becoming an actor....
Veer is the biggest Bollywood film ever to be made and a movie like this is going to be written, directed and produced once in a lifetime…
Salman had earlier blogged for his hit TV show 10 Ka Dum.