Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor - are they in love? Are they dating? Have they broken off? There's so much we want to know. And the stars themselves have only stayed tight-lipped about all of it. So people, let's check out some pictures from the Rajiv Gandhi Awards ceremony, where Shahid broke off into a jiggy with Priyanka in midst of the audience. And just watch their body do all the talking! Of course I will also provide the juicier tidbits that I keep hearing about the two as you keep clicking.

So Priyanka was dancing and Shahid wanted to dance. So he broke off into a jiggy with the actress after her performance got over. A little birdie tells me the two had been sticking to each other throughout the ceremony.

Just check this out. The duo seemed not to care about anybody else. They were too much into each other. Well, now another thing I heard recently. Apparently Shahid has been checking out prices for all the big cars...

When Shahid boy asked for a price quote and all that, my friend the little birdie thought he must be buying it. But guess what Priyanka said when she heard all of this...
The sexy lady was convinced Shahid was NOT buying the car in question. WHY? Well, she believed she would be the first one to know if he did! Uhm Uhm. We believe she'd be the first one on the passenger seat as well!