The film starts with Judy (Suzanne Bernert) a foreigner who wants to know the story of Pranali and so she heads to the red light area of Laxmi Nagar in Mumbai. Heading into a flashback where a young Pranali can be seen dealing with utter poverty. Taking advantage of her poor background Mahant (Abbhay Bhaargava) expresses his wish to make Pranali a devdasi saying its God’s wish. And thus Pranali becomes a devdasi. She slowly grows up to a beautiful young woman (Nargis of Garam Masala fame) living in the temple and fulfilling the old Mahant's sexual needs.
In fact at one point he also uses her as an exchange for some political favours from a minister. However, as the minister tries to rape Pranali, she runs to the police for help who in turn put her in a welfare home. But the stint at the welfare home only lands her in the red light area. And thereon the viewer gets to learn of how Mumbai’s sex industry works. And finally we reach a point where Pranali becomes pregnant and what happens after that is part of the film. The other part is about a writer who convinces all the sex workers including Pranali about working towards the legalization of their trade.
So is the film worth it?
Absolutely not! The director appears to have been lazy while making his film and actors are even worse. There are too many people eating into the screen and not one of them can claim to have a full fledged role. From a badly written script to shoddy editing and screenplay the film is a perfect example of how not to make a film!