Shahid and Priyanka were recently spotted at a cricket match. Though the duo have tried their best to convince the world that they are single, their cozy moments are always captured.
The couple was spotted in Durban on a Sunday afternoon enjoying the T-20 match between India and South Africa. Piggy and Sasha feel in love during the shooting of Kaminey. Wonder why they keep denying it.
If buzz is to be believed, we hear that in the recent awards function, there was a small rift between SRK and Shahid. But last Saturday, on a flight from Mumbai to Durban, Piggy helped SRK and Sasha patch-up.
Says a source, “On the flight she opened a conversation between SRK and Sasha and also spoke to them about their common interests.
Soon the three were talking like old buddies, eating and joking.”
Sasha and Piggy, we are very happy for you guys..
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