Pooja Bhatt is super-excited about the sequel of her seven years old film Jism. The film does not only mark the explicit love-making scene but also for the reason that it will be in 3D format.
The idea of making a first ever 3D adult film crossed Mahesh Bhatt’s mind while he was watching love-scene in James Cameron’s film Avatar. Incidentally, it is the first adult Bollywood film to be shot in 3D. Jism 2 will deal with the subject of betrayal and suspense.
The heroine will be shown as a very modern girl with a dark, tainted past. Bipash Basu and John Abraham shared silver screen first time in this film. It is not yet clear about who will star in Jism 2 but the team is looking for talented girl with a great body to pull off Jism 2 and two male actors too.
As of now Pooja is writing the script.
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