Bollywood King Shahrukh Khan’s most ambitious film till date RA 1 is on the verge to be on the lines of Avatar, a film that raised 3D standards to such sky high level that only a few might dare to achieve. But Shahrukh who’s known to bend all the efforts to make a film successful is trying his luck with 3D now.
Shahrukh’s most talked about film Ra 1 is a sci-fi action packed film that is believed to give a whole new dimension to sci-fi films in India. Apparently it is believed that the budget of the film is the highest ever for a bollywood film, as Hollywood technicians along with star performer Akon is been roped in to give the film an international touch.
And hence to enhance its international market potential Shahrukh Khan, who himself is a big ‘Avatar’ fan has decide to give his film too a touch of James Cameron’s cult film. For this portions of the film would be re-done to give it a complete 3-D effect. And this is the only sole reason of postponing the film by 6-months.
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