The Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor has inspired renowned writer Shobhaa De to write a book on Bebo’s size zero figure. One actually wonders, How Kareena Kapoor eats healthy and yet stays size zero?
Buzz that is doing the rounds in B-town is that the writer Shobhaa De is planning a book on similar lines to Victoria Beckham’s fashion advice guide book ‘Extra Half’.
On hearing this, Kareena, was more than pleased.
“I would absolutely value anything she does. However, I’m unable to say anything at this point,” says Kareena about the book to a daily.
However, not only Shobhaa but the actress’s dietician Rujuta Diwekar too has been inspired by Kareena’s figure. She is planning her second book and Kareena will be her role model. Thedietician’s first book was recently launched and is selling like hot cakes. So, she doesn’t mind coming up with a book sequel.
Well, I’m sure Bebo will be honoured.
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